Crystal Reiki

    • Reiki, Energy Healing, and Chakra Balance.

      Thousands of years ago, Reiki originated in India and the East as a form of hands-on healing. Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese scholar, and monk, rediscovered Reiki and coined the term “REIKI”. In Japanese, Rei means omnipresent – present everywhere at the same time. Ki is the non-physical energy that sustains all life.

      Reiki power is limitless, universal, and immeasurable. When you are connected to the energy, it flows automatically, forever, stimulating one’s natural healing abilities.

      Reiki is governed by 5 principles:

      • Just for today, I will not worry.
      • Just for today, I will not be angry.
      • Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
      • Just for today, I will be true to myself.
      • Just for today, I will be kind to all beings and everything around me.

      Reiki is the highest and most profound vibration of life. Practitioners channel Reiki through their hands, connecting with the universal life force by placing them on or above the recipient’s body. Reiki facilitates healing and balance, intuitively flowing to areas requiring attention. A Reiki master does not exert forceful direction but rather serves as a channel for the energy’s natural flow. Importantly, Reiki energy is not sent but drawn in by the recipient, emphasizing that it is not transferred from one person to another.

      In Reiki, symbols help practitioners connect more effectively with the Universal Life Force. Usui’s four sacred symbols: Cho Ku Rei, Sei Hei Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Dai Ko Myo, are known as traditional Reiki symbols.

      The potency of Reiki is in its omnipresence, boundless power, and boundless reservoir of wisdom and insight. Reiki operates on multiple levels—energetic, physical, and emotional—aiming to rectify imbalances across these dimensions.

      Here are the key needs when it’s beneficial to consider a Reiki session:

      • Harmonizing energies with the cosmic flow.
      • Emotional healing.
      • Enhancing mental and emotional intuition.

      Reiki Crystals

      Crystals have long been recognized in different traditions for their healing properties. Their energies are intricately linked to the Earth, resonating at a specific frequency known as the Schumann resonance, which can impact our autonomic nervous system, brain, and cardiovascular system. Crystal Reiki amplifies these natural Earth frequencies, enhancing the power of Reiki energy.

      The body, mind, and spirit are governed by distinct chakras, which regulate the flow of Universal Life force through the body’s seven main energy centers. Their energies are deeply connected to the Earth, which vibrates at a specific frequency known as the Schumann resonance, impacting our autonomic nervous system, brain, and cardiovascular system. Crystal Reiki facilitates and draws upon the power of Reiki energy to amplify these natural frequencies of the Earth.

      Crystals come in diverse shapes, colors, textures, transparency levels, sizes, and structures. While specific crystals are associated with each chakra, it is vital to trust your intuition when selecting them.

      The equilibrium of mind, body and spirit is reflected in the chakras, which regulate the flow of Universal Life Force through the seven main energy centers in the body.

    • Chakra Balancing Crystals

      • Root Chakra: bloodstone, hematite, red coral, red jasper, ruby, black obsidian, black tourmaline, and most crystals that are black, brown, or red.
      • Sacral Chakra: carnelian, coral, calcite, moonstone, orange jasper, and other orange crystals.
      • Solar Plexus Chakra: citrine, honey calcite, yellow sapphire, sulfur, yellow jasper, and crystals that are yellow or gold.
      • Heart Chakra: emerald, green aventurine, green jade, rhodonite, rose quartz, watermelon tourmaline, and green crystals.
      • Throat Chakra: aquamarine, blue sapphire, chalcedony, turquoise, blue obsidian, apatite, blue tourmaline, azurite, blue calcite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, and blue crystals.
      • Third Eye: lepidolite, sodalite, amethyst, and crystals that are clear, dark blue, and purple.
      • Crown Chakra: clear quartz, diamond, selenite, kundalini quartz, smoky quartz, and white or clear crystals.
    •  Chakra Imbalance Sympoms

      • Anxiety: Root Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra
      • Addiction: Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra
      • Back Pain: Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra
      • Celiac Disease: Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra
      • Chronic Headaches: Third Eye Chakra
      • Hyperthyroidism: Throat Chakra
      • Numb Emotions: Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra
      • Stress: Root Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra.
    • Sacred Geometry Symbols

      Through the study of these Sacred Geometry Symbols, ancient civilizations sought to unlock the mysteries of the universe and harmonize their inner and outer worlds. Each geometric pattern serves as a key to deeper spiritual truths, offering insights into the nature of existence and the potential for human consciousness to transcend its limitations.

      • Fibonacci Sequence (Spiral): The Fibonacci Sequence, often visualized as a spiral, mirrors the natural growth patterns found in the universe, from the arrangement of leaves to the shape of galaxies. This sequence demonstrates the principle of growth through an elegant mathematical pattern that underlies the beauty and harmony of nature. The Fibonacci Spiral embodies the process of creation and evolution, guiding us to recognize the interconnectedness of all life and the cosmic order that shapes our existence.
      • Vesica Piscis: The Vesica Piscis is formed by the intersection of two circles, creating an almond-shaped figure that symbolizes the balance between the spiritual and material worlds. This sacred symbol represents the union of dualities, such as heaven and earth, or the divine and the mundane. It serves as a visual metaphor for the space where creation emerges, inviting us to explore the harmony between opposing forces and the divine unity that connects all things.
      • Borromian Rings: The Borromian Rings consist of three interlocking circles, where no single ring can be removed without breaking the entire structure. This configuration signifies the interconnectedness and interdependence of elements within the universe. The Borromian Rings reflect the concept that all aspects of existence are linked in a harmonious, inseparable unity, illustrating the idea that each part of the whole supports and sustains the others.
      • Triquetra: The Triquetra is a three-cornered symbol that represents the interconnectedness of life’s triads, such as the mind, body, and spirit or birth, life, and death. Its flowing, interwoven design symbolizes unity and the cyclical nature of existence. The Triquetra teaches us about the balance and integration of diverse aspects of our being, encouraging us to embrace the cycles of life and find harmony within ourselves.
      • Star of David: The Star of David, a six-pointed star formed by the overlap of two triangles, symbolizes the union of the divine and the earthly realms. It represents the balance between opposites, such as male and female energies or the spiritual and physical dimensions of existence. The Star of David serves as a reminder of the sacred geometry inherent in creation, urging us to seek balance and divine connection in our lives.
      • Metatron’s Cube: Metatron’s Cube is a complex geometric figure containing multiple shapes and patterns, including the Platonic Solids, which represent the building blocks of the universe. This sacred symbol is associated with the archangel Metatron, who is believed to be a guide for spiritual awakening and divine knowledge. Studying Metatron’s Cube can help us explore the underlying structures of reality and access higher realms of consciousness.
      • Flower of Life: The Flower of Life is a geometric pattern consisting of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles that form a flower-like design. This symbol represents the interconnectedness of all life and the fundamental blueprint of creation. It is believed to encode the secrets of the universe’s creation and provide a pathway to spiritual awakening. Meditating on the Flower of Life can deepen our understanding of the interconnected nature of existence and our place within the cosmic web.

      Sacred Geometry invites us to explore these ancient symbols and their meanings, allowing them to guide us on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. It challenges us to recognize the divine patterns within and around us, encouraging a deeper connection to the universe and our own inner selves.

      These geometric forms represent universal truths and fundamental principles governing existence.

      It was believed that by aligning oneself with these geometric patterns, individuals could attain spiritual enlightenment and tap into the limitless potential of human consciousness.

      Identifying any blocked chakras and exploring healing methods such as chakra script affirmations, Reiki healing, and techniques like hand mudras and crystal therapy are essential for mind-body connection and balance.


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