Dharma Archetype Quiz

    Discover the essence of your dharma – sense of purpose, and fulfillment with the Dharma Archetype Quiz.



    Please select ONE answer to each of the following questions.

    After completing all the questions, click the ‘Quiz Commit’ button to view your results. For further details, refer to ‘Interpreting Your Results’ at the bottom.

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    1. If you hadn’t had to worry about your financial outlook, what would you do?

    2. What do you believe you would be successful if you put in more effort?

    3. What do you feel ashamed or guilty about?

    4. What qualities do you want to increase in yourself?

    5. What qualities impress you the most in others?

    6. What do you see as genuinely wrong in the world?

    7. People say (about you):

    8. What is your true passion?

    9. You are best at:

    10. Your ideal calling should serve to:

    Results Your Dharma Archetype Quiz NOTE

    Six dharmic archetypes offer a deeper insight into our intrinsic purpose. Rather than directly correlating with one’s profession, they illuminate higher aspirations, steering us towards fulfillment and the realization of our life’s path.

    If your answers were mostly:

    • a’s
      • Your Dharmic Archetype is the Creator.
    • b’s
      • Your Dharmic Archetype is the Healer.
    • c’s
      • Your Dharmic Archetype is the Educator.
    • d’s
      • Your Dharmic Archetype is the Entertainer.
    • e’s
      • Your Dharmic Archetype is the Liberator.
    • f’s
      • Your Dharmic Archetype is the Innovator.


    For more insights, visit the Blog section of the website to explore the topic and role of dharma in greater depth. 

    Discussing your dharma and life’s purpose is part of your Personal Development Consultation. It provides insight into your personal journey and helps develop strategies that align with your true calling and goals.


    Detailed descriptions are available for each option.



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