Personalized Diet with Astro-Ayurveda

    • Gut health is a cornerstone of overall well-being. Ayurvedic principles, such as the ‘rainbow meal philosophy’ and the six tastes approach, emphasize personalized nutrition for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha mind-body types. Considering planetary influences adds another layer of personalization, enhancing our understanding of our body-mind constitution and leading to optimal eating habits.

      Ayurvedic dosha types each possess unique gut microbiome compositions, shaping their distinct needs. Furthermore, each dosha is influenced by specific planetary forces,

      • Vata: Influenced by Mercury, Saturn, and Rahu.
      • Pitta: Influenced by the Sun, Mars, and Ketu.
      • Kapha: Influenced by Venus and Jupiter.

      Integrated insights from planetary influences and Ayurvedic doshas are used in Holistic Lifestyle and Personal Development consultations. These plans include personalized diet strategies designed to restore vitality and promote mind-body balance.

      Discover how the planets influence your diet and unlock the secrets to deeply personalized nutrition


      The Sun symbolizes vitality, energy, and life force. Foods linked to the Sun include rye, wheat, oats, and whole grains. These grains, rich in complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals, contribute to overall well-being. They support digestive health, regulate blood sugar, and promote fullness, aiding weight management. A well-placed Sun signifies strong digestion, whereas a weak Sun might result in gluten sensitivities, poor digestion, and a lack of pancreatic enzymes for optimal nutrient absorption.


      The Moon is associated with nourishment and hydration. Foods like milk, dairy products, and rice align with the Moon’s nurturing energy. These foods are comforting, support bone health, and ensure proper hydration. A well-placed Moon promotes adequate hydration and nourishment, while an adverse Moon can cause hydration issues, water retention, and lactose intolerance.


      Mercury’s influence extends to greens, leafy vegetables, and raw foods, emphasizing freshness and vitality. Foods like spinach, kale, and raw nuts are rich in essential nutrients. Mercury’s dynamic nature supports optimal digestion and nutrient absorption. A poorly placed Mercury may lead to hormonal imbalances and food allergies, which should be considered in dietary regimes.


      Sweets, desserts, and almost all fruits fall under Venus’s domain. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, enhancing meals and promoting a joyful approach to nutrition. A well-placed Venus indicates a preference for sweetness, while a poorly placed Venus may lead to excessive sugar intake and related health issues.


      Mars governs fiery, stimulating foods like red foods, hot spices, and meats. These foods, rich in vitamins and minerals, boost metabolism and digestion. A well-placed Mars signifies strong vitality, while a poorly placed Mars can cause digestive issues like heartburn, acidity, and inflammation. If Mars is afflicted in the chart, meat is best avoided. Moderation is key to balancing Mars’s fiery influence.


      Jupiter emphasizes healthy fats from foods like avocados, ghee, and legumes. These fats provide essential nutrients, support heart health, and aid in hormone production. A positive Jupiter placement promotes balanced cholesterol levels, while a poorly placed Jupiter might lead to an inclination toward fatty foods and excess visceral fat accumulation. Although Jupiter generally brings blessings and growth in the chart, it can also bring literal growth in terms of body weight and obesity issues. Diabetes is very commonly seen under Jupiterian issues.


      Saturn’s influence is associated with astringent foods such as aubergine, chickpeas, mustard, and sesame seeds. Saturn’s placement affects nutrient absorption and overall well-being. It can also weaken your digestion and make you prone to constipation. Saturn’s energies can be pacified with occasional fasting, but this is not suitable for every dosha and needs to be assessed individually.

      RAHU & KETU

      Rahu is associated with over-indulgence in junk food and processed items, which can lead to weight gain and health issues. Ketu, on the other hand, encourages plant-based vegetarian regimes that offer essential nutrients without the negative impacts of excessive meat consumption. Afflicted Rahu can lead to obesity and addiction issues, while afflicted Ketu can lead to insufficient nutrition.

    • Planets and Food Related Sensitivities

      In Vedic astrology, each planet is believed to have specific influences on our health and well-being. Afflicted or damaged planets can lead to food-related sensitivities or digestion issues.

      • Sun: Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease
        The Sun represents our core vitality and digestive fire (Agni). When afflicted, it can lead to issues with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease, where the body’s immune system reacts adversely to gluten, damaging the small intestine and leading to nutrient absorption issues.
      • Moon: Fluid Retention and Lactose Intolerance
        The Moon governs bodily fluids. An imbalanced Moon can cause fluid retention, leading to swelling and discomfort. It is also linked to lactose intolerance, where the body lacks the enzyme lactase, necessary for digesting lactose found in dairy products, causing digestive distress.
      • Mercury: Hormonal Imbalances
        Mercury influences our nervous system and communication pathways, including hormonal signals. Imbalances in Mercury can result in hormonal disruptions.
      • Venus: Overconsumption of Sugary Foods
        Venus is associated with pleasure and indulgence, often leading to cravings for sweet and rich foods. Overconsumption of sugary foods can result in weight gain and blood sugar issues
      • Mars: Acidity, Heartburn
        Mars represents our physical energy and drive, often linked to Pitta dosha. When out of balance, it can cause excessive acidity and heartburn, resulting from an overly fiery digestive system.
      • Jupiter: Accumulation of Unhealthy Visceral Fat
        Jupiter signifies growth and expansion, which can translate to an accumulation of visceral fat when Jupiter is imbalanced. This type of fat surrounds internal organs and is linked to various metabolic disorders, including diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
      • Saturn: Irregular and Poor Eating Habits
        Saturn’s influence can lead to discipline issues, resulting in irregular and poor eating habits. This includes consumption of canned, over-processed, salty, and smoked foods, which can contribute to nutritional deficiencies and chronic health problems.
      • Rahu (North Node of the Moon): Accumulation of Ama (Toxins)
        Rahu is linked to unhealthy cravings and the consumption of processed and artificial foods. This leads to the accumulation of ama, or toxins, in the body, which can impede digestion and overall health.
      • Ketu (South Node of the Moon): Insufficient Nutrient Intake
        Ketu represents detachment and minimalism. Its malefic influence can lead to a lack of interest in food, resulting in insufficient nutrient intake and potential deficiencies, impacting overall vitality and health.

      Understanding the planetary influences behind each dosha additionally helps to identify potential health issues and guide dietary and lifestyle choices to maintain balance and well-being.

    • Mindful Eating

      Eating mindfully involves taking the time to savor and appreciate your meals, which can significantly enhance your overall health and well-being. Allow at least 20 minutes for each meal, as eating too quickly can lead to overeating and digestive issues. After your meal, take a 15-minute walk to aid digestion and boost metabolism. It’s important to eat regularly, ideally every 3-4 hours, to maintain energy levels and avoid unnecessary snacking between meals. While a healthy AM or PM snack is acceptable, depending on your breakfast or lunch schedule, ensure your dinner is finished by 8 PM to allow ample time for digestion before bed.

      Avoid multitasking during meals; instead, focus on the taste, texture, and aromas of your food, and pay attention to how you feel both during and after eating. Remember, your gut produces most of the serotonin, and about half of the dopamine in your body—not just your brain.

      A personalized and mindful approach to eating promotes a healthier relationship with food, enhances digestion, and promotes better nutrient absorption.

      Astrology & Ayurveda combines insights from both Ayurvedic dosha analysis and your  birth chart to personalize your wellness plan.


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