The Seven Chakras

    Balanced chakras are crucial for our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. By harmonizing your seven chakras, you can raise your vibration and enhance vitality and inner balance.

    When your chakras are balanced, you’re fulfilling your core needs for attention, affection, appreciation, acceptance, creative expression, and a sense of purpose more effortlessly.



    This balance allows energy to flow smoothly through your body, bringing vitality and harmony to your life. You feel more connected to yourself and the world around you, experiencing a harmonious mind-body balance.


    Chakra colors are more than just vibrant hues; they represent the dynamic energies that flow through our subtle bodies, each color resonating with different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual state.


    From the deep red of the Root Chakra, grounding us to the earth and providing stability, to the luminous violet of the Crown Chakra, connecting us to higher consciousness and universal wisdom, these colors form a radiant spectrum that influences our vitality. Imagine the warm orange of the Sacral Chakra sparking creativity and passion, or the soothing green of the Heart Chakra promoting compassion and emotional wellness.

    A woman with the white helmet

    Root Chakra (Muladhara)

    The root chakra symbolizes nourishment, stability, sustenance, and a sense of security. When this chakra is blocked, it can manifest into feelings of fear, anxiety, financial worries, and instability. These concerns can lead to physical ailments such as arthritis, digestive issues, spine, and colon problems.  If the root chakra is too open, it can lead to opposites: greed, power hunger, aggression, and tunnel vision.


    Root chakra healing affirmation: “I feel safe and secure”.


    Connecting to Mother Earth by spending more time in nature and performing yoga poses such as Padmasana (Lotus pose). Virasana (Hero pose), Malasana (Low squat) can be beneficial.


    Mars energizes the Root Chakra, instilling a sense of strength and vitality, driving ambition and the will to overcome challenges. A weakened Mars can indicate challenges related to home life, dwelling stability, and financial debt.

    Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

    The Sacral chakra governs our sense of creativity, expression, sensuality, and sexuality. Having a blocked sacral chakra can make you feel lonely and unable to connect to others. Issues can manifest in problems with reproductive organs, sexual life, urinary tract, and impotency, but also a lack of creativity and pursuit of one’s ideas, passions, and talents. Overstimulation can bring sexual disorders and addictions, hedonistic and manipulative tendencies.


    Yoga poses Knees to chest, Seated pelvic circles, Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja’s Twist), Balasana (Child’s pose) are recommended. Hasta mudra Shakti and use of carnelian or citrine crystals are part of the sacral chakra healing.


    Venus influences the Sacral Chakra, enhancing creativity, sensuality, and self-expression. A weakened Venus can lead to blockages, while an aggravated Venus may cause sexual issues, addictions, and manipulative behaviors.

    Solar plexus chakra (Manipura)

    Solar plexus chakra is where your gut instincts and sense of self-esteem originate. If blocked, you might feel uncomfortable in your own skin and suffer from low self-esteem, fear of shame or feeling undervalued.  If this chakra is too open it can manifest in unhealthy ego, dominating nature or personality disorder.


    Solar plexus chakra affirmation:
    “I release any fear or doubt, allowing my authentic self to shine brightly.”


    When this chakra is blocked, problems with the digestive tract or pancreas can occur. Yoga pose Garudasana (Eagle pose) helps with balance and getting centered. Asanas Eka Pada Koundinyanasana I and Eka Pada Koundinyanasana II help with posture and digestion.


    The Sun energizes the Solar Plexus Chakra, boosting self-confidence, personal power, and motivation. A weakened Sun can result in diminished self-esteem and lack of direction, while an overactive Sun may lead to arrogance and dominance issues.

    Heart chakra (Anahata)

    Heart chakra relates to emotional wellness. When out of balance, your emotions can lead to feelings of insecurity, vulnerability, avoidance, or a lack of empathy or trust in others. Heart chakra healing means being at peace, open, and with a non-judgmental attitude. Overstimulated heart chakra can create a victim mentality.


    Hand Mudra Lotus and use of green jade or green aventurine in chakra crystal therapy are essential.

    Yoga Asana Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) and asana poses like Dhanurasana (Bow pose) help open the heart and chest area.


    The Moon influences the Heart Chakra, fostering emotional understanding, compassion, and deep connections. A weakened Moon can lead to difficulties in forming emotional bonds and nurturing relationships, while an emphasized Moon may cause mood swings and excessive emotional dependence.

    Throat chakra (Vishuddha)

    The throat chakra relates to how we communicate with the world. Blocked energy in this chakra can manifest as issues with the throat area, vocal cords, teeth, mouth, thyroid gland, and chest. When balanced, one speaks freely with respect, confidence, and clarity.


    An overstimulated Vishuddha chakra can lead to an opinionated, inflexible, critical, or gossipy nature.


    Yoga asanas to open this chakra are Camel pose, Bridge pose and Shoulder stand. Essential oils like myrrh and chamomile are beneficial in healing Vishuddha chakra.


    Mercury governs the Throat Chakra, facilitating clear communication and self-expression. A weakened Mercury can result in difficulties with articulating thoughts and ideas, while an overactive Mercury may lead to gossipy nature and scattered communication.

    Third-eye chakra (Ajna)

    Ajna chakra evokes intuition, perception, and inner wisdom. It is considered the chakra of enlightenment and represents the connection to your life’s purpose, spirituality, and metaphysical knowledge. If blocked, you may lose your sense of direction in life. If Ajna chakra is too open it can bring unhealthy attachments, illusions, or arrogance.


    On the gross body level, poor eyesight or glaucoma can occur. On the subtle body level, nightmares or hallucinations may arise. On the causal body level, one becomes disconnected from their true being. Healing the Ajna chakra entails embracing gratitude and forgiveness, alongside the use of energy healing modalities such as reiki, and sound therapy.


    Yoga sanas to perform are Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin pose) and Makarasana (Crocodile pose). Use of sapphire or purple apatite in crystal therapy and performing Kalesvara Mudra is part of the Ajna chakra healing therapy.


    Saturn influences the Ajna Chakra, promoting disciplined spiritual practices that enhance intuition and wisdom. A weakened Saturn can lead to inflexibility and narrow-mindedness, while an overactive Saturn may result in rigid views and challenges in adapting to new spiritual understandings.

    Crown chakra (Sahasrara)



    A crown chakra is a gateway to higher wisdom. It connects us to the wider universe and higher realms. Blocked crown chakra can limit spiritual growth and cause isolation. Untreated, it can manifest as lack of focus, lack of faith, or dogmatic views. In the gross body level, migraines can occur, as can sensitivity to pollution, epilepsy, or Alzheimer’s propensity.


    Crown chakra affirmation: “I am connected to the infinite wisdom of the universe.”


    Yoga poses such as Sasangasana (Rabbit Pose), Downward Facing Dog, and Headstand are recommended for elevating your spiritual frequency and connecting with higher consciousness through the activation of crown chakra.


    Jupiter influences the Crown Chakra, encouraging spiritual growth and heightened awareness. A weakened Jupiter can lead to doubt and a lack of spiritual fulfillment, while an overactive Jupiter may result in excessive idealism and difficulties in maintaining practical balance.


    DownloadAbout Chakras’  brochure for more information.


    Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology are closely related branches to Vedic science designed to
reach our inner balance and harmonize ourselves with the greater universe of consciousness.

    David Frawley, American Institute of Vedic Sciences.


    Crown chakra (Sahasrara)


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